Essential Oil Tea Tree Oil

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Essential Oil Tea Tree Oil

Essential Oil Tea Tree Oil

Essential Oil - Tea Tree Oil - 10ml


Steam distilled from the leaves of the tea tree (or melaleuca plant), our tea tree essential oil is 100% pure.

Tea tree oil has been used as a healing remedy since the Aboriginals first discovered its uses in Australia. Today, it’s found in countless health and beauty items and is a must-have item in any first aid kit.



Tea tree essential oil is known for its unmistakable middle note fragrance. Its unique aroma combines uplifting mint, spicy notes and a medicinal quality that nods to its wide use as a natural remedy.



One of the most popular uses of tea tree essential oil is for the treatment of acne where it’s been used to calm spots and breakouts for generation after generation. The oil contains antimicrobial properties that are thought to kill the bacteria responsible for acne.

For the treatment of other blemishes, dilute two or three drops of tea tree oil with water and add it to your normal facial cleanser.

Many people use tea tree oil as a natural hand sanitiser. It is proven to kill certain germs such as those that cause the common cold, and so washing your hands with diluted tea tree is a great alternative to harsh chemical soaps and handwashes.

If you’re always on the lookout for natural alternatives to aerosols, tea tree oil makes an effective deodorant. Use it to make your own deodorant bar, as tea tree oil fights the bacteria that causes body odour to develop under our arms.

Always dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil or water before topically applying it to the skin.



Tea tree oil has been used for the treatment of wounds for hundreds of years. Australia’s Aboriginals traditionally crush the tree’s leaves and apply them to cuts and infected areas of the skin. During the Second World War, Australian troops used tea tree oil to repel insects and soothe injuries. Since then, tea tree essential oil has been found to contain terpenoids, which are proven to have antiseptic qualities.

Tea tree is commonly used as a natural alternative to mainstream shampoos. After a time, chemicals from our hair products can build up around the roots, causing problems like dandruff. Adding a little diluted tea tree oil can help to stop the build-up of chemicals and dead skin cells around the roots of the hair, helping it to look and feel healthy.

Tea tree oil can be a little too powerful to use in a diffuser, but it makes a great blending oil when paired up with the right companions. Unsurprisingly, tea tree essential oil blends nicely with eucalyptus to create a powerful decongestant with a punch. It also blends well with lavender and rosemary oil.



Botanical name Melaleuca alternifolia
Plant part Leaves
Extraction method Steam
Note Middle
Colour Pale yellow to colourless
Consistency Thin
Strength of aroma Medium to strong
Aromatic scent A fresh, antiseptic and medicinal scent with mint and spice back-notes



Non-toxic, but can cause skin irritation and sensitizing in some individuals. Since it is a photo-toxic oil, it should not be used (even in low dilution) before being exposed to the sun.

Tea tree essential oil may cause dermal sensitisation in some people. Do not take internally.


Price: £3.05 per unit inc. VAT
(£2.54 per unit ex. VAT)