Essential Oil Lemon

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Essential Oil Lemon

Essential Oil Lemon

Essential Oil Lemon - 10ml


Our lemon essential oil is cold-pressed straight from the peel of zingy Italian lemons. Loved for its irresistibly uplifting, zesty fragrance, Freshskin lemon oil is widely used in homemade skincare products.

Also a popular ingredient in recipes and fragrances around the world, lemon essential oil has been used as an alternative treatment for many health problems for thousands of years.

Freshskin Beauty lemon essential oil is available in seven sizes, ranging from 10ml to 5000ml.



Harvested from lemon trees during the winter, lemon oil is thought to help with all kinds of conditions, treating everything from the hair on our head right down to our toenails. Everyone loves the invigorating scent of lemon essential oil, and it has hundreds of different uses in everyday life.


They don’t call lemon oil ‘liquid sunshine’ for nothing. In fact, there’s barely a home remedy that doesn’t call on this zesty superhero for help. Lemon essential oil is claimed to reduce feelings of depression, ease the nausea associated with morning sickness, reduce bacteria on the skin, suppress weight gain and aid with weight loss.

When mixed with peppermint essential oils, many women in their first trimester of pregnancy find the fragrance helps to reduce feelings of nausea. The oils can also be combined in a diffuser to help combat morning sickness.

Lemon oil is often added to ordinary water to help cleanse the digestive system. To benefit from lemon oil’s naturally relaxing scent, add a few drops into a warm bath and soak your cares away for a while. Research suggests that lemon oil even has the power to nourish and hydrate our skin, with many people using lemon-infused water topically to harness its anti-ageing effects.

If you do plan to use our lemon essential oil on your skin, please remember to always dilute it with a carrier oil first.


Working from home to meet that deadline? Add a few drops of lemon oil to a diffuser for those times when you really need to keep your focus. For a refreshing pick me up, why not blend lemon oil with peppermint essential oil and apply a few drops to your skin? This blend is perfect for feeling cool and calm on a hot summer day.

If your skin could do with a little va va voom, incorporate a few drops of lemon essential oil into your usual skincare routine. Just ensure that you leave it at least 12 hours before going outside as direct sunlight can cause our trusty lemon oil to irritate your skin. To be on the safe side, combine a few drops with your favourite carrier oil for some extra indulgence.

Add the scent of Italian sunshine to your laundry by popping a few drops of lemon oil into your usual detergent. Wash as normal, and then enjoy the sparkly clean scent of lemon on your favourite clothes and bedsheets.

It may smell friendly and cheerful but don’t be fooled. Lemon essential oil is also a great disinfectant. Add a few drops to water and soak your kitchen cloth in it before getting to work cleaning mucky surfaces and chopping boards.


Botanical name Citrus limonum
Plant part Peel of the fruit
Extraction method Cold pressed
Note Top
Colour Light yellow
Origin Italy
Consistency Light



Non-toxic, but can cause skin irritation and sensitizing in some individuals. Since it is a photo-toxic oil, it should not be used (even in low dilution) before being exposed to the sun.


Price: £3.05 per unit inc. VAT
(£2.54 per unit ex. VAT)