Essential Oil Frankincense Oil

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Essential Oil Frankincense Oil

Essential Oil Frankincense Oil

Essential Oil - Frankincense Oil - 10ml


This 100% pure frankincense essential oil is carefully extracted from the resin of the Boswellia tree. Offering a woody aroma that dances with spicy undertones, frankincense oil has a base note fragrance and deep spiritual connections which have been used in perfumes and aromatherapy for thousands of years.

Known as the ‘King of oils’, Frankincense used to be presented to the gods in ancient Egypt and is still loved today for its mysterious, earthy scent, antiseptic qualities and many applications.



A wonderful addition to essential oil blends, frankincense combines brilliantly with many essential oils, including bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, geranium and cinnamon.



A natural antiseptic, frankincense oil is often used in alternatives to chemical-based household cleaners and is a great choice for including in homemade soap.

There are claims that frankincense works as an anti-inflammatory and can boost memory. While it’s also recommended by aromatherapists to help tackle common colds, coughs, and help encourage normal immune function.

Linked to such a range of benefits, Frankincense essential oil is probably most popular for its ability to keep the skin looking healthy. It’s said that frankincense has a huge impact on the skin when incorporated in daily skincare products, including reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks, brightening skin tone, and fighting wrinkles and age spots.



Frankincense has been used in sacred rituals for thousands of years, and is still widely believed to boost mental and physical health. The aroma of frankincense oil is a popular choice for helping to quieten busy minds and find focus either at home or work. Said to help free the mind of the ego, frankincense is the oil of choice for anyone seeking a spiritual awakening. If you’re meditating at home, try adding a few drops to your diffuser to boost your concentration (check out our essential oil meditation blog for more information).

Frankincense is also a popular choice for those looking to relieve stress. The heady fragrance is perfect for a little boost of positive emotion during a hectic day, add a few drops to a handkerchief or onto your wrists for those moments when it all gets too much. You can also try inhaling a frankincense blend before bed to unwind for a restful night’s sleep.

If your hair has seen better days, add a few drops of frankincense essential oil to your usual conditioner to give dry-looking hair some extra shine. It will even soothe your follicles as well. No stranger to the dressing table, frankincense oil can also be used for its rejuvenating effects on the skin. Help to reduce the appearance of pesky fine lines and imperfections by adding a small amount of this mild oil to your skin as part of your daily routine.

Discover more frankincense oil uses in our blog, how to use frankincense essential oil.



Botanical name Boswllia Carterii
Plant part Resin
Extraction method Steam distilled
Colour Colourless topale yellow clear liquid
Note Base
Consistency Medium
Origin India
Strength of aroma Medium
Aromatic scent Rich, woody, earthy scent wth subtle spicy undertones



Frankincense essential oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. Avoid use during pregnancy.


Price: £3.05 per unit inc. VAT
(£2.54 per unit ex. VAT)